We needed a name. As so many theatre companies that have come before us and the endless amount that will be born after. We started with a need, a great desire to create but most of all, create together. It isn’t everyday you find a group of people with the same amount of passion for a singular thing, each bringing their own special gifts. We shared a need to work in theatre, and if the roles we were itching to play didn’t exist, we’d create them ourselves. How hard could writing a show be?
But we still needed a name. As we sat in the cafe, we discussed every possible company name that came to mind. Inside jokes, popular titles, funny words, sappy and heartfelt labels. What would describe who we are and still be pleasant to a stranger’s ear? Melissa sat in her large, tufted chair as we debated, looking through a book she happened to have with her at the time. And she found it. Poiema. Google came in handy as we searched it’s exact meaning and context.
Poiema (noun) po-ay-mah. A hebrew word meaning masterpiece and workmanship. The words were epic, meaningful… and a bit dramatic for our small theatre company. But we knew we were beginning something great and lasting, and having a powerful name to live up to was the perfect way to set our goals high and have a constant reminder of where we started and the passion that brought us together.
It hasn’t been easy. We have failed, succeeded, fought, cried, laughed, argued and lost sight of goals. But, as Sara so importantly wrote in our blog two weeks ago, we’ve always tried to enjoy the process. The workmanship. What is the point of having a great show if you hated the year leading up to it? If you lost friends in the process? If you became unhealthy due to stress? To us, there is nothing more important than spending time together creating in a positive and healthy way and learning as much as we can in the process.
As an avid 'diy'-er (of clothing), I found a great craft of writing on fabric with bleach to create a design. As all the Poiema Gals (except for me) have birthdays in October and November, I thought it would be a great present. I made us all “I am Poiema” shirts and it occurred to me what that means. I am hardworking, I am a masterpiece, I have big dreams, and I do my best to enjoy life as it comes without constantly pushing myself for a final result. It makes me wonder: Are you Poiema?