The campsite is a short trek away from the festival grounds and so when Friday arrived, we joined the herd of people excitedly walking the marked trail. As we entered the gates, I could see we had arrived; we had made it to Sasquatch! But it wasn't until we stood at the top of the hill that it really hit me, looking down on the lawn, the stage, and behind it- the Gorge. Tears came to my eyes at the beauty of it all. The grass plunged down the hill to the huge stage and the view was breathtaking. The Gorge had beautiful walls of rock surrounding waters that were calm and still except for the occasional boat or sea-doo carving the glass.
Music. Here are some of the bands I got to see: Vampire Weekend, Bloc Party, The Tallest Man on Earth, The Dropkick Murphys, Postal Service, The XX, The Lumineers, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Elvis Costello, and best of all... MUMFORD & SONS! I had caught their Rexall Place show the day before I left Edmonton, and seeing them only made me more excited to watch them again at Sasquatch. We started making our way to the front about three hours before they were scheduled to take the stage. Luckily, we were surrounded by very friendly people we could chat, laugh, and rap with. That's one thing about Sasquatch: you meet tons of great people. Mumford & Sons did not disappoint. Seeing them up close was amazing. I love seeing a band enjoying themselves on stage. I like to know that they are having as much fun as the audience is. I sang the words to every song and jumped and clapped along with the whole mass of people who have been touched by their music. It was one of the best experiences of my life.
So yes, the port-a-potties (their brand of choice was Honey Buckets) and the rain and the chilly weather was no expense when it came to the once-in-a-lifetime experience I had. I'd like to give a special thank you to my boyfriend, David Dempsey, for going out of his way to get me to the front for Mumford & Sons, and for making sure I had one of the best weekends of my life.