I've been thinking about words to use instead of busy. I was once encouraged to say ‘full’, but even that doesn't provoke a positive feeling for me. 'My days are stuffed' is a light-hearted thing to say... Regardless of the word I use, my schedule, as of late, has left little room for sleep, and I am really happy about it!
If I was busy with too much work, I wouldn't be so pumped. But, most of my days are laced with moments of creativity, scheduled creative classes, meals with friends, or Yoga.
Here is a spattering of what my past week included:
As I am typing this blog, on my new BlackBerry Playbook, mind you, it is 12:30 a.m. and I am on the SeaBus heading home after a music practice with a friend who I will be playing at a coffee shop with on March 23rd. We literally sang until we could sing no more. There is nothing I would rather do than sing until my head is pounding and I have to stop.
I had the absolute privilege of auditing a class with Michele Lonsdale Smith earlier this week. She teaches animal and sensory work. Boy, is she intuitive when it comes to pushing actors to go deeper and connect. It really inspired me. She talked about mastering the craft of acting taking years, and for the first time I heard that comment with ease and acceptance. I used to panic when presented with the thought that I would be ‘good’ at this for years, thinking ‘but I have to be great now or I’ll never make it.’ Now I hear that and think, ‘that’s fine, there is nothing else I would rather spend my life doing than taking a journey to become a better actor and a better person.’
A second new experience this week was being a 'reader' for a film audition. I wasn't auditioning but reading the other characters opposite those auditioning. I then stuck around to watch call backs where the main choices for each character were paired together. It was quite fascinating to see how people bring out different qualities in each other and how much chemistry plays into booking a role.
I am on day 9 of a 30 day yoga challenge, something I always thought would be impossible. So to prove myself wrong, I picked the busiest month I have had in years and decided to find a way to jam it in there.
The last new thing at the moment is a Publicity mentorship I have started with the Cultch (a performance art space/company in Vancouver), helping to promote their youth driven arts festival, IGNITE! It's super exciting to be part of a Cultch driven event and get to learn more about funding and promoting arts.
Along with all these awesome time engagers, I am taking one scene class, one on camera class, and one writing class a week, while working three jobs. That is the update from out here in the beautiful city of Vancouver. If you haven’t heard the song I Am a Light by Sarah Slean, hop to it. It’s filling my ears as I walk the streets of Vancouver these days.